Filipa and Bárbara

Hi! My name is Filipa, I’m 13 years old and I live in Braga. I’m in International House, in JR5. I love music and I play saxophone. I like playing badminton. My favorite football team is SCBraga. I love eating burgers in McDonald’s. I’ve two cats and I love them. My favorite subject is Maths.

Hi! My name is Bárbara. I’m 12 years old and I live in Braga. I’m in International House, in J5. I like listening to music but I haven’t got a favorite music.I like dogs, but small dogs. My grandmother has got a dog and when I go to her house I play with her dog. I like the beach. Last summer I went to the beach, in Algarve. I like painting pictures. In the school I have one class when I paint and draw.I like running. My mum was an olympic atlhete, and now I run in S.C.B.In the future I want be an athlete.

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