“Life is beautiful” is undoubtedly an incredible dramatization of life during the Holocaust. Produced in 1997, the film portrays, through an intelligent and comical language, the heartbreaking reality of anti-Semitism during the Second World War; whilst aiming to appeal to the public’s minds and hearts.
The plot takes place in the beautiful streets of Arezzo, in Italy, and tells the story of a happy and humble Jewish family, that tried to remain hopeful after being taken to a concentration camp. As the astonishing narrative develops, the characters find themselves in a position of almost impossible survival, which will define how they perceive life. Therefore, cranking up the tension.
The film is beautifully acted and directed and its raw emotion guarantees to connect and move the public. However, there is a certain euphemism regarding the explicitness of one of the history’s biggest tragedies, which one can interpret as mockery.
To sum up, I urge anyone to watch this production that transcends time and space. It is a bittersweet love story set against a turbulent backdrop, capable of shedding light and wooing those who watch it.