The film Pride and Prejudice – directed by Joe Wright – is an adaptation of one of the best romances of all time, written by Jane Austen. The story takes place in England, 19th century, and may seem to be a stereotypical love story at first, but it can definitely take you by surprise.
The five Bennet sisters, all looking for a husband except for Elizabeth, one of our main protagonists. However, as unexpected as life can be, she meets the wealthy young bachelor Mr. Darcy, whose uncourteous and judgmental manners let us know the disdain he has for the Bennets – poor Lizzie – and how he could not care less for the intelligent, good-humoured and loyal Elizabeth.
The way the story reaches the ending is full of ups and downs between these two characters and has a lot to do with the complexity and development of their emotions and personalities. How the protagonists show their feelings towards each other is incredibly well-thought it is very accurately portrayed in the film. The realistic approach yet romantic and fresh to the story is certainly one of the reasons I fall for it every time and you will too.
This is, indeed, a long adaptation and the ending, as previously mentioned, is predictable, so if you are looking for whole new romance plot that no one has ever seen before, then it might not be suitable to your taste. However, apart from that, it is surely worth seeing and may turn out to be impressively entertaining.